Fine Leather Bags, Cases and Accessories by Borlino - Why and how we do it.

Borlino was created from love and passion of the arts and the love and heritage of family. This passion for design and art have always been in the Italian culture for thousands of years. The artists who became world-renowned such as Michelangelo, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Leonardo and hundreds of others poured their life into their work. This love has made Italy the center of the world's finest quality and creations in fashion, automobiles and of course, luxury leather goods. Our goal is to share this love and passion with you in each product we make. We take great care and pride in our work and want to create an artistic creation that you will come to love and treasure for life.

Regarding the crafting of our custom leather bags, cases and accessories: Borlino's design process is thoughtful, meticulous, and never rushed. We design the exterior of the product starting with pencil sketches. Throughout the building of several prototypes an evolution takes place. We put the same attention into every detail on the exterior as we do the interior. Many of these quality details cannot be seen in the final product; such as gluing threads and letting the glue briefly set before being hand-tied, glued again to the surface, and applying an additional small taping cover to ensure stitching will never ever come loose. Or hand-stitching corners for additional strength and support. Look closely and you will find a lot of passion for perfection in every product we make.

Once a product is designed to meet the Borlino standards, we then seek out the best Italian materials, be it for our leather bags or any other product, the material must match the design and purpose. Spanning generations, our tanners use ancient vegetable-tanning methods dating back to the Roman Empire. This is still the most environmentally-friendly method of tanning leather. Processed with ingredients found in vegetable matter such as tree bark prepared in bark mills and other natural materials, the leather is first supple and brown in color. Next, a coloring dye is added, soaking into the hide. Unlike pigment-printed leathers that most luxury leather companies use, when vegetable-tanned leather is scratched you simply rub the leather and the coloring comes right back; the scuff will disappear before your eyes. Never compromising on excellence, our metals and linings must be of superior quality as well. If the product carries the Borlino name, then perfection is paramount.

Each Borlino creation is a unique work-of-art. Carrying on the Italian tradition of attention to detail and fine craftsmanship, our craftsmen make one product, one piece at a time by hand.

Upon completion, the products are carefully inspected at many stages prior to delivery to ensure you receive a perfect product that will last a lifetime. We unconditionally believe in the quality, design, and value of our products which allows us to top it all off with a lifetime guarantee.

We would like to invite you to preview the entire Borlino collection of leather bags: travel bags, leather briefcases, tech and travel kits, accessories and gifts, etc. A Borlino Personal Shopper is available to assist you with item selections, gift-wrapping and special delivery options. Call us at (605) 988-6990 to learn more.